Changyue Hu

Ph.D. Student @ UIUC ASRM


I am a third-year a Ph.D. student in Actuarial Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, advised by Prof. Zhiyu Quan. Prior to joining the doctoral program, I obtained a Master’s degree in Actuarial Science at the University of Illinois and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at Nankai University. My research interests lie in machine learning applications in actuarial science. I have been a graduate supervisor of several InsurTech-related research projects in IRisk Lab since Spring 2021.

selected publications

  1. Imbalanced learning for insurance using modified loss functions in tree-based models
    Changyue Hu, Zhiyu Quan, and Wing Fung Chong
    Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 2022
  2. Improving Business Insurance Loss Models by Leveraging InsurTech Innovation
    Zhiyu Quan, Changyue Hu, Panyi Dong, and 1 more author